

California is proposing to drop Acupuncture services as an essential benefit from its Medi-Cal Program.  For anyone thinking that FSOMA is crying wolf when the association forecasts doomed scenarios for the profession, this should be a wake-up call and illustrate the gravity of the challenges facing access to acupuncture services nationwide and WHY it is imperative that Acupuncture Physicians in Florida actively engage in helping educate lawmakers about Acupuncturists’ role in statewide patient care.  

This year FSOMA is re-introducing a bill in the Florida legislature to strengthen and protect patients’ access to our services and patients’ access to the full scope of Acupuncture Physicians training, knowledge, skills, and abilities.  This is in the best interests of both patients and licensed members of the profession. 

Everyone within the profession needs to pay attention, act responsible, and take action to help ensure the Acupuncture bill passes and becomes law in Florida.  FSOMA has been sharing instructions on how stakeholders including students, faculty, administrators, licensees, patients, and the public can act together sharing simple, solid messaging about how meeting with their local State legislators can support patient access to Acupuncture and Eastern medicine services provided to millions of Floridians.  Acupuncture services treat and manage many common health concerns, which allows patients who choose this medicine to live more productive and pain free lives. 

See the notice below from California and CLICK HERE to learn how you can help prevent something like this from happening in Florida.


CSOMA Action Alert image

Dear CSOMA Community,

California State “Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 May Revision” cuts acupuncture as Medi-Cal Benefit, starting January 2025. This cut will stop the existing acupuncture services for millions of much needed Medi-Cal beneficiaries, and negatively impact the acupuncture profession in California.

Due to our short window to make any change, we are asking you to:

1. Find your local Senator and Assembly Member:
2. Make a copy of this letter. Complete it with your information, and send it to your Assembly Member no later than 5/28/24. (This letter can be found at the end if you prefer to copy & paste from here.)
3. Share on social media, alumni groups, tell your teachers, patients and families to write and call their reps now. (Feel free to share/comment on our Instagram & Facebook posts.)

Background: When California implemented the Affordable Care Act in 2014, acupuncture was classified as an "Essential Health Benefit" which thus required private insurance and group policies to offer acupuncture benefits.

Removing acupuncture from state covered benefits in Medi-Cal goes directly against this policy, undermining low income access to acupuncture while otherwise mandating that private insurance holders have access.

This revision to Medi-Cal benefits is scheduled to be signed into law by Governor Newsom as early as mid-June.

CSOMA is working closely with other CA state associations under the unified umbrella of the "California Acupuncture Coalition - CAC" to address this urgent issue. CSOMA's Board of Directors, with the CAC, have contacted representatives from the following key committees: the Senate Standing Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, the Subcommittee 3 on Health and Human Services, and the CA Assembly Committee on Budget.

VA Auditors Discuss Improper Payments for Community Acupuncture
1.     VA Office of Audits and Evaluations. VHA Improperly Paid and Reauthorized Non-VA Acupuncture and Chiropractic Services. REPORT #20-01099-249. DECEMBER 8, 2021

2.     Affinity Acupuncture Agrees to Pay $250,000 to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations.

Here’s how your patients can help move HR4803 – Patient Testimonial Kit

 Inclusion in the Social Security statute is vital to the future of the acupuncture profession.
Contact NCCAOM Lobbyist Molly Ford to help you set up an online meeting, coach you on the talking points and accompany you.

We Need Your help, NOW! Let’s secure 80 Million new patients and create jobs for the profession.

If we don't make this change, other people who don't have your extensive training, will be treating your patients,

Watch This Video


Public complaints involving a licensed health care practitioner are reported to and processed by the FL Department of Health. 
Callers and inquiries should be directed to

FSOMA has been on iHeart Radio in South Florida promoting our awesome medicine.  Click Here and go to time 17:40 to listen.