Cost of Putting Forth Legislation

FSOMA is in our second year of attempting to get the update to Chapter 457 (the statute governing us) passed. This is not a "one and done project", but a multi-year initiative.  It is not unusual for it to take 3-5 years.  
Last year we spent $75,000 in political contributions and anticipate that much will still be needed in the coming year. 

We need you to continue donating to the Fl Health Alliance PC, any amount will help. 
You can Donate Here 

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FSOMA President speaks to local legislator delegation in Martin and St. Lucie Counties

FSOMA President speaks to local legislator delegation in Martin and St. Lucie Counties.  Urges other acupuncturists to attend their counties legislative delegation to advocate for supporting updates to the acupuncture practice act, Chapter 457.   Legislative Delegation Calendar for 2025 Session | Florida Action Committee. Contact FSOMA for more information.
Nassau County: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 12:00 to 3:00 pm Nassau County Board of County Commissioners Chamber James Page Government Complex 96135 Nassau Place Yulee, Florida 32097 Contact information to request your name be added to speaker list: [email protected] Palm Beach County (1 of 3): Thursday, November 14, 2024 Registrants cannot attend …
The objective of Dr. Stuart Shipe's speech is to advocate for updating Florida's acupuncture practice act (Chapter 457), which has not been revised since 1999. He emphasizes the need to clarify and streamline the practice of acupuncture to improve healthcare delivery, address the state's primary care crisis, and enhance patient access to safe, affordable, and effective treatment. The goal is to reduce reliance on an overburdened primary care system and empower patients with more healthcare options, without expanding the state budget. Dr. Shipe seeks legislative support to modernize the statute and improve the health and wellbeing of Floridians.  He will be speaking at the Port St. Lucie legislative delegation on December 16th, 2024 and the Martin county delegation on January 9th, 2025.

FSOMA Membership – What’s in it for ME?

Besides the other numerous benefits to FSOMA membership listed at, including the soon-to-be-upgraded website which will facilitate patient referrals directly to you, consider this.

Our basic right to practice acupuncture has been created and sustained over the past 40 years by the Florida State Oriental Medical Association (FSOMA). Before FSOMA, we were only able to practice under the supervision of MD’s or DO’s, and at that we were only allowed to stick in needles and use moxa. Nothing else. We had no legal right to diagnose. No rights to do massage, recommend herbs and supplements, use e-stim, light therapy, essential oils, or treat with any other of the many modalities we now regularly employ. We had no right to call ourselves Acupuncture Physicians or even bill insurance companies independent of our MD overlords. Believe me. I know. That’s how it was when I came to Florida in 1982, until a courageous and determined group of FSOMA members gathered the political support in Florida’s Legislature to create laws and rules in our favor.

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Letter from Newly Elected FSOMA President for 2025, Stuart Shipe

Greetings esteemed colleagues and members of the Florida State Oriental Medical Association.

It is with great humility and immense gratitude that I speak before you today as your newly elected president. This is a position I do not take lightly, and I am both excited and deeply committed to the work we will do together in the coming years. We are about to embark on a journey—one rooted in the profound traditions of Oriental medicine, yet propelled forward by a spirit of innovation, unity, and purpose.

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Make the Most of the “Use it or Lose it” Campaign for Your Acupuncture Practice

As the year winds down, many of your patients have Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) with funds they might not know they can use for acupuncture—and these funds often expire on December 31st! A well-executed “Use it or Lose it” campaign is not only a great way to encourage patients to take advantage of their benefits but also a powerful tool to boost your end-of-year bookings.

Here’s everything you need to know about why this campaign is important and how to get the most out of it.

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Patient Retention in Your Acupuncture Practice

By: Jeffery Grossman 

You’ve already done the hardest part: getting new patients in the door, building their trust, and helping them experience the benefits of acupuncture. But once they’ve had that first appointment, how do you ensure they stay engaged and continue with treatment? Patient retention is the lowest-hanging fruit for any practitioner because these are patients who already know, like, and trust you. Why let all that go to waste?

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Cloud-Based Clinic Management Myths: Debunked

The idea of using a cloud-based clinic management software can seem daunting — maybe you’ve been using pen and paper, don’t feel comfortable with technology, or have had a negative experience with online security or reliability in the past.

But as the world becomes increasingly digital, having a clinic management software and EMR (electronic medical record) tool that allows you to manage patient charts, scheduling, and payments from anywhere with an internet connection can make a big difference for your acupuncture practice.

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Call for Public Comment: Entry-level doctoral degree

A letter on behalf of FSOMA

On September 24, 2024 the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM) published a Call for Public Comment on its website regarding entry-level doctoral degree completion tracks. The Commission proposes ending the doctoral completion track option. Entry-level doctoral degree completion tracks would no longer be an option for ACAHM-accredited programs after January 1, 2030. 

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I do not bill insurance; why must I follow CMS documentation guidelines?

In recent months, we’ve heard some questions about why FSOMA has been focusing on insurance issues when many APs don’t take insurance. FSOMA certainly recognizes that many practitioners do not take insurance and absolutely supports those practices. However, in accordance with our mission and purpose, FSOMA is committed to delivering necessary updates to advance the practice of ALL Florida acupuncturists. Insurance is currently one of the hottest topics with the most confusion among our members, which drives this topic to the forefront of our attention, resulting in increased publicity. 

Recently, acupuncturists who accept insurance have been running into significant roadblocks, similar to many other medical providers, who find it challenging to get adequate reimbursement. The most current issue is that some of the major policies have started denying Evaluation and Management (E&M) CPT codes and, in some cases, recouping them back. The main reason for this denial is a lack of awareness from the Acupuncturists about recent changes from time-based E/M to Medical Decision Making (MDM) based documentation and coding according to the 2021 Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) guidelines. 

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AMC Closing Questions Answered

Who can help recent graduates with career counseling? AMC promised this to prospective students and now we don’t know who we can reach out to.

  • FSOMA offers all kinds of support.  We have a great webinar on the basics of starting a practice  - you can follow links on the Member Benefits page to see them all.
    Log onàMember benefitsàBuilding Better Webinarsàexplore

Here’s one that's great for new graduates.

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For the VA Optum WAS sending out recoupment letters for codes 97139, 97039, going back to 2022.  THIS WAS AN ERROR

They will recoup for these codes for any dates of service AFTER 2/23/2024, as those codes were removed from the list of authorized codes.  Here is what we have received from Optum:

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Legislative Success in Pennsylvania

We are thrilled to share the news that HB 1490 passed the Senate on Tuesday and was concurred in the House on Wednesday. It is now headed to Gov. Shapiro's desk for signature. This historic milestone was made possible by the tireless efforts of our Legislative committee, diligence of our lobbyist and his team, and the support of all APA members.

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"Credit Care" Payment Plans

We've had a great discussion on the FSOMA Forum about setting up "Credit Care" Payment Plans for your patients to pay for their care.  

Discussion includes an alternative to "Credit Care"

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New Massage Establishment Law will Affect APs who have LMTs in Their Office

Florida's New Massage Establishment Law
(click link above for FULL TEXT HB 197)
Effective: July 1, 2024

House Bill 197 on Massage Establishments was signed by Governor DeSantis on April 22, 2024. The Bill will impact every office currently working under a massage establishment (ME) license and it goes into effect on July 1, 2024.  It will also affect you if you have LMTs contracted to give massages out of your office.  

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Mobile Acupuncture - FL State Regulations

Inquiry submission from a member.

- "I would like to open a practice that provides house calls only, treating patients in their homes. I will not be accepting insurance or have any employees. The local county Business Tax Office is asking me to determine, according to state regulations, whether I need to have an actual brick and mortar office in order to open this business.
Can you please advise where I can find this information?  I have tried the Dept of Health and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration."

FSOMA Advice:

An entity (person/business) that provides mobile services ONLY may be a home-based business or have a non-home-based business address, like a commercial address. 

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Are you dealing with pain?

Are you dealing with pain? Maybe you have conditions like plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or other joint and back issues? I've had success treating various pain problems using acupuncture and herbal remedies.

Let's talk about some herbal formulas designed to address different joint and back ailments. There are formulas for gout, neuropathy, muscle injuries, spasms, and more. One formula tackles cold-type arthritis and fibromyalgia, while another deals with heat-related joint problems like swelling and inflammation. Sometimes, I combine formulas for complex issues like bone spurs and plantar fasciitis to ensure complete relief.

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Notes on Patient Acquisition

Notes on Patient Acquisition

Featured Speaker: Nell Smircina

I often get asked what is the one thing I wish I knew when I started my practice. It’s relatively simple: the things you THINK will give you a successful practice and good patient outcomes are not the things that drive the most impactful results for patients. It’s amazing to me in our holistic medicine field how we can get so tunnel visioned on the perceived skill set necessary to generate exceptional outcomes with patients. A “successful” treatment or treatment plan is multifaceted, and our approach should be as well. We can be exceptionally skilled with a needle and know powerful protocols for different patterns. However, if we aren’t considering all aspects of what drives people to comply with a treatment plan, or even curating an effective plan and just letting the patient dictate things like frequency and duration of treatment, we are not getting the best result possible.

Enter your game changer: patient communication. This goes well beyond explaining how acupuncture works (which yes, we will cover in class) into delicately navigating important aspects of a care plan, and influencing patients to comply with important aspects of your recommendations. Don’t get hung up on the word influence, which gets a bad rep, but rather think about how you are helping to influence positive health outcomes for as many patients as possible. We are trusted providers who need to be able to effectively articulate all potential factors which could impact patient results. Patients need to know, like, and trust us. If there is one thing which can drastically improve patient results in your practice, it’s learning to properly communicate in any setting.

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Eco-Friendly Practices in Chinese Herbal Formula Manufacturing

By Exhibitor KPC Herbs

Working with the environment and utilizing sustainable practices is essential today. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is deeply connected to the environment, farming, and agriculture, especially regarding manufacturing herbal formulas.

Using herbal formulas that have been sustainably sourced and manufactured safely to avoid contaminants allows for the best treatment results. Herbal formulas are crafted from a blend of herbs, which promote health and balance in different ways. Western pharmaceuticals often involve environmental impact reports, but some negative results show up later and may be more damaging than expected. Using properly sourced herbal formulas can help both the patient and the planet.

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Master Deng's Qi Gong

Master Deng’s Qi Gong

Featured Speaker: Chad Bailey

I met Master Deng Hua Qing in the small village of Yi Chun in Mainland China in 2001. This was the longest stop of our month long trip, 10 days to train with Master Deng in Tai Ji Quan, Lan Shou Quan, and Qi Gong as well as our daily hours at the regional hospital. Master Deng was from the northern city of Harbin but traveled to Yi Chun for our training.

We started each morning around 6am. 60 minutes of Qi Gong followed by 60 minutes of Yang style Tai Ji Quan. Most of our group would leave after Tai Ji practice.  A few of us stayed for Tai Ji applications, push hands, and Lan Shou for the last 60 minutes.

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Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex: Testing, Assessment, and Programming

Featured Speaker: Derrick Mc Bride LAc, CSCS

As an Acupuncturist, low back pain is likely a common complaint you treat. You likely have your tried-and-true ways of treating it, whether it’s deep needling of the Huatuojiaji points, Master Tung points, or something else. You also likely have impressive success stories using these techniques to solve problems that other practitioners could not solve. This is a tremendous feat that I’m sure those patients are grateful for.

What I will cover in the first session of my lecture, Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex: Testing, Assessment, and Programming, will be straightforward and easy to implement orthopedic and muscle tests to better understand the nature and anatomy of the common pain syndromes afflicting the lumbopelvic region. Being more proficient in our anatomy and ability to stress anatomical structures for a more concrete orthopedic understanding of the patient’s pain is always a valuable endeavor. After all, our bodies are biomechanical machines, and our pain syndromes often present themselves within the machinery. They are obviously much more than this, but a working diagnosis from this context is a great step towards an actionable treatment plan. For instance, if I can produce 3 or 4 positive tests for the illusive sacroiliac joint pain, I feel strongly that my plan should include direct treatment to the SI joint. That’s a solid anatomical starting point. From there, we can branch off to holistic treatment of the entire person in front of us, knowing we are stepping from solid ground.

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