For the VA Optum WAS sending out recoupment letters for codes 97139, 97039, going back to 2022.  THIS WAS AN ERROR

They will recoup for these codes for any dates of service AFTER 2/23/2024, as those codes were removed from the list of authorized codes.  Here is what we have received from Optum:

Statement to providers: Optum’s Claims Department worked a special project intended to remediate a historical claims logic concern which impacted unlisted procedure codes. Although our analysis of the unlisted procedure codes is ongoing, the current recoupments are in the process of being voided. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your patience as we work to void theses specific recoupments regarding the unlisted procedure codes. Additional communication will be sent in advance of any further actions related to the unlisted procedure codes after our internal analysis is complete.

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